France–Japan CyPhAI Workshop (March 2024)
Date: March 7th–8th, 2024 (Japan team is available from 4th–8th).
Université Paris Cité
Bâtiment Sophie Germain, Case courrier 7014
8 Place Aurélie Nemours
75205 Paris Cedex 13
Titles for some talks are not disclosed and only for internal discussions.
March 7th (Workshop Day 1, room 1020, IRIF)
- Session 1: 9:00–10:30
- Kohei / Overview of the Japan team and plan for the next 2 years
- Thao
- Marco
- Session 2: 11:00–12:00
- Masaki / Probabilistic black-box checking
- Benoit and Adrien
- Lunch: 12:30–14:00 (Buffon restaurant)
- Session 3: 14:00–15:30
- Kohei / Learning nonlinear hybrid automata from input-output time-series data
- Alex Buna (+ Mahsa) / On Learning Polynomial Recursive Programs
- Hadi
- Session 4: 16:00-17:30
- Chiao / (WiP) Counterexample-Guided Synthesis of Lyapunov Functions for Black-box Dynamics
- Rida (Mahsa’s postdoc)
- Alex D
March 8th (Workshop Day 2, room 1020, IRIF)
- Session 5: 10:00–11:30
- Thao
- Chiao / Perception Contracts for Safety of ML-Enabled Systems
- Eugene (+Mo & Neha Rino)
- Discussion (Contingency)
- Lunch: 12:30–14:00 (Buffon restaurant)
- Session 6: 14:00–15:30
- Ana (?)
- Benoit + Alex D + Nicolas
- Aneel
- Discussion (Contingency)