France–Japan CyPhAI Workshop (September 2024)
Titles for some talks are not disclosed and only for internal discussions.
September 2nd–3rd (Room 4052, IRIF)
Université Paris Cité
Bâtiment Sophie Germain, Case courrier 7014
8 Place Aurélie Nemours
75205 Paris Cedex 13
Sept. 2
- Morning: Planning for integrated case studies involving both Japan and France teams
- simglucose: A Type-1 Diabetes simulator implemented in Python for Reinforcement Learning purpose
- Simulation model from our industrial collaborators
- Afternoon: Presentations on work in progress
- Chiao / Certifying Lyapunov Stability of Black Box Nonlinear Systems via Counter-Example Guided Synthesis
- Niklas
- Evening: Beer!
- Kohei claimed he stopped drinking alcohol!?
Sept. 3
- Morning:
- Work in progress presented by Eugene
- More discussion on simglucose as a potential case study
- Scenarios of times and meals for patients as timed words
- Afternoon: Japan team traveled to Grenoble
September 4th–6th (Verimag)
Bâtiment IMAG
Université Grenoble Alpes
700 Av. Centrale
38400 Saint-Martin-d’Hères
Sept. 4
- Morning: More discussion on the simulation model from collaborators as a potential case study
- Afternoon: Review existing tools and define software interfaces
- Breach: falsification and parameter synthesis,
- WordGen: sampling of timed words,
- Hybrid Automata Learning,
- …
Sept. 5
- Morning: Decide on topics for integrated case studies
- Evaluation on hybrid automata learning approaches
- Characterization of controllers based on parametric specifications and scenarios
- Afternoon: Concretize action plans and TODO lists
- Evening: dinner at restaurant La Belle Idée
- Kohei claimed he stopped drinking alcohol again?!
Sept. 6
- Morning: More discussions on hybrid automata learning approaches
- Afternoon: Sightseeing in Grenoble!